Member Identification Disclosure

General Policy:
Alliance Credit Union is committed to cooperate with the Department of the Treasury, Financial Institutions Crime Enforcement Network, National Credit Union Administration and Federal/State law enforcement agencies in the war against Fraud, Identity Theft, Money Laundering, Drug Trafficking, and Terrorist Financial Activity. Alliance Credit Union has implemented safeguards and programs so that we know that our members are, who they say they are, and that our members are not associated with any known Terrorist organization or country. We will also satisfactorily identify the signatories and identities of non-members doing business with/through Alliance Credit Union.

Primary and Secondary Identification

The employees of Alliance Credit Union do their best to get to know you, but even if they know you, we may require them to ask you for identification. In many cases we do this because the law requires us to do so. In other cases we do this for your own protection and to protect your account from fraudulent access by others. Certain transactions, or under certain circumstances, our employee’s may ask for and record information from two forms of Identification. It is important that your identification is current (not expired). Expired identification of any type will not be considered an acceptable form of identification for purposes of doing business with Alliance Credit Union.

Types of Identification We Accept:

Primary Identification (Requires a photo):

  • State Issued Driver’s License or Identification Card
  • Armed Services I.D. Card or Passport
  • Federal Employee I.D. Badge

Secondary Identification (May or may not have photo):

  • Voter Registration Card
  • Union or Employer I.D. Card
  • Credit Card or Insurance Policy I.D. Card
  • Hunting/Fishing License
  • Temporary Driver’s Permit
  • Social Security Card
  • Student I.D. Card
  • Birth or Marriage Certificate

This list of identification is not all-inclusive and management reserves the right to accept or reject other forms of identification presented to us when you are doing a transaction.