Business Loans

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Commercial Property Loan

  • Buying a place to build your business?
  • Refinancing your existing commercial property?
  • Investing in business or residential property?

Alliance offers commercial property loans, both for investment property (not owner-occupied) and commercial building (owner-occupied). We offer competitive rates, flexible terms and no hidden fees. We will work with you to create a payment that best fits your needs. With the money you save, you can have the freedom of channeling more of your funds into building your business.

Alliance Credit Union is proud to offer our members a commercial real estate lending program that is comparable, and in many cases superior, to the best institutional lenders in the country.

For more information, click to contact the Business Lending Team by email or call directly at (636) 343-7005, ext. 2500.

We are an SBA-Approved Lender

In 2004, Alliance was the first Missouri credit union to become an SBA-Approved Lender.


Click Contact us or call our business lending team at (636) 343-7005, ext. 2500 for additional information on the business services at Alliance Credit Union.