
Save Money on Credit & Debit Card Payments with Evolv

Save Money on Credit & Debit Card Payment Acceptance with Evolv

Alliance Credit Union has partnered with Evolv as our Preferred Merchant Service Vendor to offer your business wholesale pricing, cutting edge technology, and compliance support. If you are currently processing credit cards through another provider, Evolv would like the opportunity to see if they can save you money. Evolv is running a special promotion for all Alliance Credit Union business members. Simply ask an Evolv representative to conduct a free cost analysis. If they cannot reduce your overall payment processing expense, they will give you a $500 VISA Gift Card. That’s how confident they are about their service!

In addition to discounted rates, Evolv offers:

  1. Mobile payment solutions for your phone and tablet
  2. Electronic check conversion with a guarantee. No more bad checks!
  3. Built-in gift and loyalty programs
  4. eCommerce development and online processing solutions
  5. ACH and recurring payments
  6. Web-based customer reporting
  7. Free paper and supplies for your credit card terminals
  8. PCI compliance assistance. No more PCI compliance fees!
  9. Digital marketing solutions to help grow your business
  10. And so much more

Talk to an Evolv representative today! Click here to learn more or schedule an appointment.

To learn more, visit Evolv’s website to learn more about their services at If you have any questions, please contact Evolv directly at 1-800-675-8564. Thank you for taking the time to evaluate our program!